
In the world of e-commerce and payments, there are two names that have risen above the rest: Stripe and PayPal. Both Stripe and PayPal offer online payment processing services that merchants can use to accept credit cards as well as other forms of payment. But which one should you choose? In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about these two giants and help you decide which is best for your business.

Stripe vs PayPal: What’s the difference?

Stripe is a payment processor. PayPal is an online payment service. Stripe is more flexible and has more features than PayPal, but it’s not as user-friendly or global in reach.

Stripe vs PayPal: Who uses them?

Stripe is used by more than 2 million businesses and PayPal is used by more than 200 million people. However, Stripe has a much smaller developer community: Stripe boasts 50,000 developers while PayPal has 100,000 developers.

Stripe vs PayPal: What are their pros and cons?

Stripe and PayPal are both popular payment services, but they have their differences. Stripe is more flexible than PayPal and can be used for more types of transactions. However, it’s also more expensive than PayPal and less secure because it doesn’t verify the identity of its users in the same way that PayPal does.

PayPal has a larger user base than Stripe — about 200 million people use it worldwide compared to Stripe’s 1 million customers — and thus may be easier to integrate into your business if you already have an established customer base or marketing strategy built around using the service. However, this might not matter if you’re just starting out: If nobody knows what Stripe is yet then why should they care?

While both companies offer excellent support options (via email), only one offers live chat support 24/7: You guessed right! It’s Paypal again!

Stripe is the new kid on the block, but it can be used for more than e-commerce.

Stripe is a payment gateway. It’s used by developers and businesses to accept payments on websites and mobile apps. Stripe can be used for e-commerce, but it can also be used for other things like donations or subscriptions.

Stripe was founded in 2010 and has raised over $1 billion in funding from investors like Sequoia Capital, Visa Inc., American Express Co., Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Andreessen Horowitz (which also invested in PayPal).

PayPal was founded back in 1998 by Elon Musk (yes, that Elon Musk) and Max Levchin while they were still students at Stanford University. They launched PayPal as an online payment service within months of graduating college; today it processes billions of dollars worth of transactions every year.


If you’re a small business looking to get started with payments, Stripe is a great option. It has fewer fees and less setup than PayPal, but it also has fewer features. If you need more options than what Stripe offers out of the box, then PayPal may be better suited for your needs.

Read more about Stripe Vs Merchant Account



5 Star Processing

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