How to Plan Your Merchant account reseller Budget

5 Star Processing
3 min readMay 9, 2023



The main reason to become a merchant account reseller is that there are many advantages.

Merchant Account Reseller

A merchant account reseller is a person who sells merchant accounts to other businesses. The reseller gets a commission for selling the merchant accounts, but they may also have to pay the credit card processor a fee for each transaction processed through the account.

What Is a Merchant Account?

A merchant account is a payment gateway that allows you to accept credit cards as a form of payment. It’s like your business’ own personal bank account, except instead of storing money in it, you use it to store information about your customers and their transactions with you.

When someone buys something from your website or store with a credit card, the money comes out of their bank account immediately and goes into yours — but only after their bank has verified that there are funds available for withdrawal from the customer’s account (this verification process is known as authorization). Once authorization has been completed successfully by both banks involved in the transaction (your customer’s bank and theirs), then both parties agree to move forward with transferring funds between them according to whatever agreement was made previously between those two parties. For example: if someone buys something worth $100 online through PayPal Express Checkout on Amazon Prime Day at midnight EST/5pm CET (European Central Time), then his/her purchase will go through without any problems whatsoever because all four parties involved have agreed beforehand that those exact terms apply here today!

Why Become a Merchant Account Reseller?

As a merchant account reseller, you have the ability to make money and help your clients at the same time. You’ll be able to offer them deals that are better than what they could get on their own; and in return, you’ll receive a commission from each sale.

Additionally, as an expert in this field with years of experience under your belt (and maybe even some industry awards), you can help guide other businesses through their merchant account application process while making sure they’re getting exactly what they need out of the deal.

How to Become a Merchant Account Reseller

You can become a merchant account reseller by choosing the right provider and establishing a business plan.

  • Choose the right provider. When selecting a merchant account provider, it’s important to consider what types of products or services you want to offer your clients, as well as whether you have any specific requirements for their offerings (such as card acceptance). Once you’ve decided on which providers are best suited for your business, contact them directly and ask about becoming an authorized reseller in their network.
  • Establish a niche market: Once you’ve gotten approval from one or more providers, consider how they fit into your overall marketing strategy — specifically which markets they serve best (such as small businesses) and who else might be interested in their services (for example: large corporations). Then create some marketing materials that target these groups specifically; this will help differentiate yourself from other resellers who may also be selling similar products/services but aren’t reaching out directly towards those potential customers

The main reason to become a merchant account reseller is because there are many advantages.

There are many reasons why you should become a merchant account reseller. The main reason is because there are many advantages. You will be able to make money, help other businesses and people, have more freedom, and have more time.

If you decide to become a merchant account reseller you will be able to make money by selling your services or products at a higher price than the original merchant account provider would charge their customers for the same service or product. You can also earn additional income from referrals that come from people using your services (the person who referred them).


The main reason to become a merchant account reseller is because there are many advantages. You can earn money by selling merchant accounts and building up your own business, while at the same time helping other businesses grow through their own sales channels.



5 Star Processing

5 Star Processing offers telemarketing merchant account services to set up Web Merchant Accounts