Do I Need a Merchant Account for Stripe

5 Star Processing
3 min readMay 12, 2023



Stripe is a payment processing company that allows you to accept credit cards and other forms of payment through your website or mobile app. You can pay for Stripe services with a Stripe account, which doesn’t cost anything. Accepting payments through Stripe doesn’t require you to get a separate merchant account or go through the hassle of applying for one. In some cases, getting an additional account might be necessary — but it’s not required!

Do Stripe Merchant Accounts Cost?

Stripe merchant accounts are free. Stripe charges a fee for each transaction, and it has no setup or monthly fees.

What Is the Difference Between a Stripe Payment Gateway and a Stripe Merchant Account?

Stripe Payment Gateway is an online payment gateway that allows you to accept credit card payments from your customers. It’s not a bank account and it does not require the use of a merchant account.

Stripe Merchant Account is an actual bank account that allows you to accept credit card payments from your customers. The fees associated with this type of account vary depending on the institution providing it and may range anywhere from free to $100 per month depending on how much money is being processed through it each month/year (or even more).

Can I Get a Stripe Merchant Account Without Funding From a Bank?

Yes, you can get a stripe merchant account without funding from a bank. Stripe allows you to use a credit card and pre-paid credit cards as funding sources for your account. This is helpful if you’re just starting out and don’t have much capital but still want to accept payments online (or even in person).

If you’re interested in using this method, there are two main things to consider:

  • The first is that the company issuing your card will charge fees for each transaction made with their card; these fees vary depending on which company issues it and what type of account they offer (e.g., prepaid vs non-prepaid). You’ll need to make sure those fees won’t eat away at your profits too quickly before deciding whether or not this option makes sense for your business model.
  • The second thing is whether or not Stripe will accept whatever type of funding source used by its customers’ businesses as valid when processing transactions through its platform — and if so, how much time will pass between when money leaves their bank account until it arrives safely into ours?

Where Can I Find More Information About Getting a Stripe Merchant Account?

You can find more information about getting a stripe merchant account on the stripe website. You can also find more information about getting a stripe merchant account on the stripe support page.

You do not need a merchant account to use stripe

You do not need a merchant account to use stripe. You can simply use your bank account or credit card to make payments. This is an option for those who don’t have access to a merchant account and would like to accept credit card payments through the Stripe platform, but it does come with some drawbacks:

  • Payments are subject to bank fees (often 3–5% of total transaction amount)
  • There is no protection against fraud or chargebacks (the customer may dispute their purchase)Conclusion

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when deciding whether or not to get a Stripe merchant account. If you think that this might be the right option for your business and want more information on how it works, then check out the links below!



5 Star Processing

5 Star Processing offers telemarketing merchant account services to set up Web Merchant Accounts